Got Halitosis? Four Reasons Your Breath May Be Bad

Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, is a problem everyone deals with eventually. And while there is no shortage of various chemical-laden mints, gums, and sprays available to help combat that the issue, it's better for your dental health to find the underlying cause. Here are some common causes.

Failing To Floss

When you eat, minuscule pieces of food get stuck between your teeth. It doesn't take long before these food particles start to emit a bad odor as they begin decaying. Even if you haven't got time to thoroughly brush your teeth after eating lunch at work, spend 30 seconds quickly flossing and then rinse out your mouth with plain water.


If you live in a large city, the industrial pollutants you see being released from smoke stacks can not only make the air smell bad, they can make your mouth taste as well as smell bad, too. While most people probably don't want to walk around with masks on their face, the unfortunate truth is breathing in these pollutants can affect your respiratory health as well as make your mouth less than pleasant. To combat this, thoroughly brush your teeth as well as your tongue. This will remove the coat of pollutants and make your mouth fresh-tasting and smelling again.


If you have a cavity that needs dental attention, your breath isn't going to be that great. Your mouth may also taste unpleasant. As the cavity grows, this will become even worse, so be sure to get immediate care if you know one of your teeth are decayed.

Periodontal disease, which is an infection of your gums and the structures that support your teeth, will also cause bad breath. In order to fix this problem, the periodontal disease will need to be addressed.  Treatment may include oral antibiotics. More severe cases may require a surgical procedure called a gingivectomy, which will remove the diseased tissue. A follow-up procedure called a gingivoplasty may be needed to repair the tissue and build healthy gum tissue back up to support the teeth. Regular dental care, brushing, and flossing can largely prevent periodontal disease. Other mouth infections, such as strep throat or oral thrush, can also cause bad breath.


Everyone knows that cigarette smoking is not great for your health. In addition to being detrimental to your lungs, it adversely affects every part of your body, including your mouth and teeth. Smoking doesn't just make your breath smell bad, either — it can cause dangerous health conditions like cancer. Let your dentist or family doctor know when you want help quitting. One of the best ways to ward off cravings when you do quit is to brush your teeth after every meal. As most smokers are accustomed to smoking after eating, this can help them develop a new healthy habit as well as gradually whiten their teeth.

Contact an office like Milner Dentistry for more information.
