Should You Get Overdentures?

It's a common misconception that tooth loss only affects your appearance. In reality, having missing teeth can affect your overall oral health. If you're facing tooth loss, there are several approaches you can take, including dental implants, bridges, and dentures. One of the more advanced options is overdentures. Many people opt for overdentures as this approach offers plenty of benefits compared to other options. This blog post will help you decide if overdentures are the right choice for you.

What are overdentures?

Overdentures are usually made by combining prosthetic teeth with a dental implant. Unlike regular dentures, overdentures are more stable and long-lasting, as they provide support to your facial structure and gums. Overdentures are an excellent replacement for people who are entirely edentulous or have a considerable amount of tooth loss.

Benefits of overdentures

Overdentures have several advantages that make them a popular choice for people with missing teeth. One of the most significant benefits is that they are more stable compared to traditional dentures. Overdentures also help preserve your gums and facial structure, preventing bone loss due to tooth loss. You'll also be able to improve your speech and eat your favorite foods without trouble. The best part is that overdentures look and feel like your natural teeth, giving you a boost in confidence.

Procedure for getting overdentures

The process of getting overdentures involves several steps. First, your dentist will examine your mouth to ensure dental implants are appropriate for you. Afterward, they will place the implants into your jaw. Once the implants fuse with your bone, your dentist will take an impression of your mouth to manufacture the overdentures. The final step is attaching the overdentures to the dental implants, providing you with a long-lasting, stable set of teeth.

Maintenance of overdentures

Overdentures require specific care to ensure they last long and remain in good condition. Similar to natural teeth, overdentures require regular cleaning — brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing, and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash. You should also avoid any habits that could potentially damage the appliances, such as chewing hard objects. Regular visits to your dentist can help keep your overdentures in optimal condition.

Are overdentures the right choice for you?

Now you must be wondering whether overdentures are the right choice. The answer depends on your dental health condition and preferences. Overdentures are an excellent alternative to traditional dentures, implants, or bridges for the right candidates.

Contact your dentist to learn more about overdentures
