Are You Prepared For A Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies happen when you least expect them, and they'll cause you to scramble around in the moment trying to research treatment methods and gather supplies. Don't wait until an emergency happens, and follow these tips to be prepared for a potential dental emergency. Create A Dental Emergency Kit You have a small first aid kit to treat cuts and scrapes, so why not have one for your teeth? You can make one by gathering these items and placing them into a bag.

2 Tips For Preventing Your Child From Experiencing Early Tooth Loss Caused By Tooth Decay

While your child's first teeth are important for chewing food, they also have other major functions. Your child's first teeth will serve as spacers for their permanent teeth. If these teeth fall out prematurely, then their permanent teeth are more likely to grow in crooked or crowded. This can result in a number of issues with chewing food and speaking. In addition, this can also lead to dental diseases in the future. Children lose their teeth prematurely for a number of reasons, one of the biggest reasons is tooth decay.