3 Types Of Dental Sedation

One of the things millions of people dread is going to the dentist. This is referred to as dental phobia and affects many individuals. This is particularly the case if there is a complicated dental procedure that must be done. However, the key to getting through any dental work you may need will rest in getting the right type of oral sedation. If you're scheduled for a dental procedure, you will want to know the types of oral sedation that will be offered to you.

Type #1: Oral sedatives

Many people choose an oral sedative because these are extremely simple to use. You take a pill approximately 30 -60 minutes before your procedure and this will enable you to feel relaxed and prepared to have the work completed.

Listed below are the various types of medications typically offered by your dental provider:

  • Diazepam 
  • Triazolam
  • Zaleplon
  • Lorazepam
  • Hydroxyzine

Keep in mind that some of these drugs are much stronger than others, and the type and dosage you're required to take will depend on the amount of your anxiety.

Type #2: Intravenous sedation

If you have extreme anxiety about your dental appointment, you may want to consider intravenous sedation. This will allow you to be put to sleep in most cases. This type of sedation will include having medication put in through your veins, and this will deliver fast results.

Type #3: Nitrous oxide sedation

You may have heard of laughing gas being used to help you feel more relaxed when having any type of dental procedure done. This is also known as nitrous oxide sedation and can be an effective way for you to feel more at ease when getting complicated dental work completed. This method will require a mask to be placed over you face and you will breathe in the laughing gas to help you feel much more relaxed.

Type #3: General anesthesia sedation

If you choose to be totally unconscious during your dental visit, you may need to rely on general anesthesia sedation. This will allow you to have the dental work completed and you will be totally asleep.

It's important to have any dental work completed that is recommended by your dentist to maintain the health of your teeth. However, you may want to rely on sedation to assist you through this time. Be sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist today to discuss your options. 
